How to successfully raise children after a divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Tuesday, January 28, 2020. Going through a divorce in Illinois can cause pain for each ex-spouse and can leave children feeling insecure. Thankfully, there are a few strategies that co-parents can use to cope with this pain and help their children feel safe as they grow up. Since a parent will likely spend less time with their children after a divorce, this means that they will miss out on some big moments in the children’s lives. One way that co-parents can help each other cope with this is


The benefits of acknowledging paternity

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Thursday, January 16, 2020. Unmarried fathers in Illinois and throughout the country may be able to gain rights to a child by acknowledging their paternity. Doing so may make it possible to avoid going to court to establish it. However, if the mother doesn’t agree that an individual is a child’s father, a court appearance may be inevitable to resolve the matter. An acknowledgment of paternity (AOP) document must be signed by both parents, and it may also need to be witnessed. By signing the document, a man


First month of the year consistently means more splits

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Monday, December 30, 2019. If the holiday season meant some soul searching and the decision to end the marriage for some couples in Illinois, they are not alone. January, known as ‘divorce month”, has consistently meant a rise in divorce filings for a few years. While the decision to file for divorce is not made overnight, the beginning of the new year, particularly the first half of the first month, has become a period where there is a visible rise in divorce. This might be due to people wanting


Reasons to consider mediation over litigation in a divorce case

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce mediation on Wednesday, December 18, 2019. Individuals in Illinois who are going through a divorce may want to consider mediation instead of litigation. One benefit to choosing mediation over litigation is that it is a collaborative process as opposed to an adversarial process. This means that both parties in the divorce work together to craft a settlement that is in everyone’s best interest. As the focus is on getting a deal done in a timely manner, mediation may be less expensive than going to court. Individuals tend to have more


Parents can’t always refuse visitation rights

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Wednesday, December 4, 2019. As long as it reasonable to do so, both parents are allowed to maintain a relationship with their children after a divorce. This is generally true even if the parents don’t like each other or don’t like the fact that they have to share a son or daughter with another person. Custodial parents generally cannot interfere with a visitation schedule because they don’t approve of a noncustodial parent’s lifestyle. For example, the fact that he or she is seeing another person doesn’t mean that a


Managing a difficult child custody situation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Thursday, November 21, 2019. Divorcing parents in Illinois often find it difficult to adjust to a co-parenting relationship. This is true in the most amicable of cases, but it poses a particular problem in high-conflict situations. The disputes may spill over into the child custody situation, leading to parents bad-mouthing each other to the children or undermining the custody agreement or visitation schedule. While co-parenting with a toxic former partner adds additional strain and stress, there are ways to defuse difficult situations and put the children’s best interests