The Root Causes of Domestic Violence: How to Stop the Cycle Before It Begins

There is no one reason for domestic violence, but there are many factors that contribute to its cycle. By exploring the root causes of domestic violence and discussing ways to prevent it from happening, we can begin to put an end to this cycle of violence and expedite the process of individuals divorcing their abusers. Why Does Domestic Violence Occur? Domestic violence is a complex issue, and no one answer fits all cases. However, some common factors contribute to domestic violence. These include: A history of violence in the family. Children who witness domestic violence are more likely to grow


Can I Reduce My Child Support Obligation in Bloomington, IL?

When parents take a custody dispute through the Bloomington, IL, family court system, a judge must resolve custody rights for their children by assessing numerous factors. All family court judges are required to keep the children’s best interests in mind in their rulings, and judges aim to ensure that every child affected by their ruling has access to the support and financial resources they need from their parents. Therefore, a custody order will typically include a child support determination in Bloomington, which will outline each parent’s financial obligations to their child. It’s vital for any parent with a custody and


Life After Divorce in Bloomington, IL

The paperwork has been signed, judgment is completed, and your divorce in Bloomington, IL is finalized. The whole process has been emotionally exhausting and incredibly stressful. Your life may feel like it was turned upside down, and there’s a pretty good chance that it was. You might feel lost and that you don’t know where to go from here. Life after divorce in Bloomington, IL is going to take a while to feel normal again, but here are a few steps you can take to get yourself there. Allow Yourself to Grieve Most people associate grief with the feelings they


Bloomington, IL, Child Custody FAQs

Child custody cases are some of the most emotionally stressful legal matters to proceed through the Bloomington, IL, family court system. If you are preparing to divorce your spouse and the two of you have children together, or if you are an unmarried parent who needs a legally enforceable child custody order, it’s vital to prepare for the challenges your case is likely to present. The following are some of the most common questions parents have about the child custody determination process in Bloomington, IL. Review these questions and answers to learn more about some of the most important legal


Bloomington, IL, Property Division FAQs

When a couple decides to divorce, one of the most critical components is dividing their marital property. Illinois upholds an equitable distribution law, meaning the courts generally strive to ensure the fairest possible division of marital property in a divorce. However, numerous factors come into play in property division determinations. Additionally, many couples have the option of resolving their divorces outside of litigation. Therefore, it’s vital to not only know the various ways you could potentially complete your divorce but also the value of legal counsel as you navigate this complicated process. Questions for Your Bloomington, IL Property Attorney Property


Handling Paternity Disputes in Bloomington, IL

It’s vital for every parent and alleged parent entering the family court system of Bloomington, IL to understand what a paternity dispute entails. “Paternity” refers to a child’s biological father. In some cases, paternity is assumed, and in others it must be legally established. It’s possible for both mothers and fathers to file paternity suits in Bloomington. If you are an alleged father, proving paternity can help you assert your parental rights. If you believe you have been wrongly named as a child’s father, a paternity suit can help you disprove the mother’s claims and avoid financial responsibility for a