How to Handle a Combative Co-Parent

Dealing with a divorce, especially a contentious one, can be an overwhelming ordeal all on its own. It’s a huge life change that is going to take some time to fully adjust to. Things get even more complex and overwhelming when there are children involved. Children tie you to your ex-spouse for quite some time, and there may be animosity or pain that won’t go away overnight. A Bloomington, IL, divorce lawyer can help you work out a parenting plan with a combative co-parent. Sharing Custody With Contention It can be difficult and immensely frustrating to have to rely on


Financial Incompatibility and Its Impact

Choosing to share your life with someone else is one of the biggest commitments you can ever make. Marriage takes a considerable amount of work to cultivate such a relationship, and there may be some instances of incompatibility that you don’t recognize until it is far too late to do anything about it. You need to have those conversations before marriage, or you may need to speak with a Bloomington, IL, divorce lawyer. How Financial Incompatibility Affects Marriage Everyone wants to find someone special and build a strong relationship that lasts the rest of their lives. It can be a


The Difference Between Alimony and Child Support

When you get divorced, one of the most important things you need to do is untangle your financial life from your spouse’s. Depending on how long you were together, your lives may be so intertwined that disconnecting them can seem impossible at times. If your divorce was uncontested, you may have already worked out a plan for alimony and child support, but if it was contested, the court may be the one deciding that for you. An Illinois divorce lawyer can help. What Is the Difference Between Alimony and Child Support? The primary difference between alimony and child support is


How To Prepare for Bloomington Divorce Negotiations

No divorce is easy, but there are options for spouses to make it less stressful and expensive. Divorce negotiation is a broad term that refers to several types of out-of-court discussions between spouses to draft a separation agreement that they can submit to the court. It’s important to know how to prepare for this process. A Bloomington divorce mediation attorney can help you prepare for divorce negotiations and protect your rights during the process. Negotiations can be done in contested and uncontested divorces. Many couples prefer divorce negotiations because it allows them to have more of a say in the


Intestate Succession Law in Bloomington

If you do not have a will when you die, your personal property, real estate, and other assets will be passed to your surviving relatives by the state’s succession laws. This does not determine which individuals inherit assets, which can make splitting the estate more complex. A will is an estate planning tool that can give you significant control over what happens to your estate. A Bloomington estate planning attorney can help you draft a will. Intestate succession laws pass your estate to your surviving family members, beginning with a surviving spouse and descendants and passing to other relatives as


Talking to Your Kids About Divorce in Bloomington

The decision to get a divorce when you have children is incredibly hard, but many parents make the choice knowing it is better in the long term for their entire family. Unfortunately, there are still short-term difficulties to manage, and one of those is informing your children of your decision. Working with a Bloomington, IL, divorce attorney can help you ease the process of a divorce for your entire family. Divorce is not easy on kids and can be complex and frustrating for them. How parents approach informing their children can make a big difference in how kids receive and