No one enters a marriage with a plan for divorce. However, getting a divorce is complicated, messy, and no easy feat. There are so many things to consider and keep track of, and you are most likely feeling overwhelmed and uncertain as to what the future holds. A Bloomington divorce lawyer can support you while you navigate this complex legal process. They can provide you with the knowledge you need to prepare for your impending divorce.

Ending a marriage is not a simple task. There is a litany of issues that must be attended to, such as property division, debt division, and any potential spousal support. If children are involved, child custody and child support arrangements will need to be made. Implementing the right strategies from the beginning can make all the difference in the success of your case. Here are a few common ways that you can prepare for your divorce.

Educate Yourself

When it comes time to prepare yourself for an imminent divorce, you will want to educate yourself on the process by speaking with certain individuals who can offer insight into different aspects of your divorce. Aside from your attorney, these professionals might include:

  • Co-parenting coaches
  • Child psychologists
  • Therapists who are experienced in family law therapy
  • Accountants
  • Financial advisors
  • Divorce coaches

Organize Your Financial Documents

When you file for divorce, you will need to disclose certain financial statements. It is prudent, therefore, to collect and organize all financial documents that might become necessary during the divorce process. These can include:

  • Retirement Plans: You will want to gather all the documentation you have on any pension or retirement accounts that either you or your spouse obtained during your marriage.
  • Debts: You must collect documentation on any joint debts, like mortgage loans, retirement plan loans, car loans, and student loans.
  • Assets: Start to compile documentation for all jointly held assets, such as bank accounts, vehicles, credit card debts, retirement accounts, medical bills, bonds, stocks, and anything else you think the courts might want to see. Gathering as much information now as you can could help you later in the process.
  • Pay Information and Documentation: Gather all your W-2s or 1099s and any income documentation, such as pay stubs. If you have access to your spouse’s income documents, make copies for yourself.
  • Tax Returns: Create copies of your joint tax return going back several years.
  • Other: If you and your spouse jointly own any security deposit boxes, create a list of the contents of these boxes as well as the location of the box, its value, and its ownership.

Prepare a Post-Divorce Budget

Ensure that you figure out how much money you will be bringing in on your own after your divorce. With this figure in mind, try to draft a mock budget that includes all your monthly expenses to see if you can afford them with your current income. You may find yourself needing to revise certain aspects of your expenses, which can impact how your divorce settlement is negotiated.

Don’t Move From the Marital Home

A common mistake that many make is to move out of the marital home before it’s appropriate. Unless there are allegations of domestic violence occurring in the home, it is ideal to stay there, as moving out could negatively impact your case. One of the largest impacts of moving out prematurely is that doing so can affect your chances for future child custody. If you move out early, this might be seen as you not wanting to spend time with your children, thus hurting your claim for custody.

Establish Your Credit

If you do not have any credit built up in your own name, you can establish it by opening up a credit card in your name alone. If you don’t have your own credit, it might prove difficult to obtain certain bank loans. Once you have this credit card, use it sparingly, and always make your payment. The goal here is to build solid credit, not rack up unnecessary debts.


Q: How Do I Prepare Emotionally for the Challenges of Divorce?

A: There are several ways you can prepare yourself emotionally for the challenges brought on by divorce. Make sure you maintain a healthy diet and exercise. You can also find a local divorce support group or start seeing a divorce counselor. It is important to try to avoid any more big life changes during this time, like a switch in employment or a major move.

Q: How Much Does a Divorce Lawyer Charge in Illinois?

A: In Illinois, it can be difficult to offer an exact estimate of how much it might cost to hire a divorce lawyer. The final cost analysis is often dependent on several factors of the case itself. These can include the complexity of the divorce, the cooperation of your spouse and their legal team during negotiations, and the experience of your attorney.

Q: What Should I Do If I Suspect That My Spouse Is Hiding Assets?

A: If your spouse is hiding assets, this can add another layer of stress and strain to your divorce proceedings. If you suspect your spouse of doing this, you need to speak with an attorney. The quicker you do so, the quicker these assets can be uncovered and kept public to all involved. This way, when the division of all marital property occurs, you can rest assured, knowing that you are receiving your equitable amount.

Q: How Can I Handle Communications With My Spouse During the Divorce Process?

A: Communication is often what causes the most tension in many divorce cases. To maintain a clear and effective mode of communication with your spouse, make sure to do the following:

  • Set boundaries
  • Focus on the solutions rather than the problems
  • Stay open and honest
  • Stay calm and cooperative
  • Keep it brief, and only discuss present topics
  • Stay respectful, even if your spouse does not

Contact an Experienced Divorce Lawyer in Bloomington, Illinois, Today

At Stange Law Firm, we understand that each family and divorce case is different. Whatever your specific case entails, it is important to have a strong base for your divorce proceedings. A good way to start building this base is by preparing for divorce before you even file. Contact Stange Law Firm today, and let us help you from the very beginning. A divorce can be long and hard to navigate, but you don’t have to handle it alone.